What’s the deal with you chicken people??

A damn family of chipmunks just scuttled past my feet and bee-lined for my open garage door. I foresee a chipmunk problem developing... 😒
I need 991 more chickens, and a little hut erected on the top of this hill before I will be happy.


(The picture was taken in Zhuolu County, China. It is on my bucket list of places to visit when I take my trip. ❤️)
So, I tried giving all of the chickens our bones and stuff from KFC (I refuse to eat directly from the bone, so mine usually has a lot of meat left, and I hate throwing them away), and most of them just gave them a cursory peck, and hauled off with bits of mac and cheese instead. 🤣 Then they forgot about everything when I gave them the raw eggs that they laid today. My birds are weird. 😅
Did you say you refuse to eat from the bone?

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