What’s up with the sweet chick soft shelled eggs lethargy and funny comb.


In the Brooder
Jul 23, 2023
Lana is a 2 yr old Easter Egger who lives with 4 other lovely ladies. She is great layer and has always been very active. 4 days an ago I notice a soft shelled egg under the roosting in the AM. Sometimes this happens so I didn’t think much about it. The next day I noticed she was standing on her own acting tired and went to roost well before the others Wichita is super unusual. Then two soft shelled eggs the next morning. Then a Shell less egg the next day. But she was acting like herself. I went and got calcium citrate 600 plus vit D. She had had 2 doses. Today she is acting strange again not running to her treat and keeping to her self. I’ve messaged and don’t feel and egg in vent crop is small but seems normal. I messaged that too. I noticed her comb was red but the edges were brown or black in color.she had a great diet and fresh water with ACV and liq vit. A large coop and free range area. I will bring her in the garage tonight. I do want mention we have switched coops at night. From the Omer to a large wooden coop. Everyone else carries on with business as usual. What could this be?


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The calcium citrate can be given once a day for up to 7 days as long as she is having the shell-less egg issue. What is going on with her comb? Has she been pecked or hurt her comb on wire fencing? Offer her water and some mushy wet feed, along with having some dry feed available. What is your location?
The calcium citrate can be given once a day for up to 7 days as long as she is having the shell-less egg issue. What is going on with her comb? Has she been pecked or hurt her comb on wire fencing? Offer her water and some mushy wet feed, along with having some dry feed available. What is your location?
I’m on the central coast of California no frost bite. She gets moist food dry food scratch and peck dry mash small portion on the side oyster shell flacks and eggs shells there are three watering stations. Adv liquid vitamin in water plain water. Several types of feeder and waters. Multiple places to lay eggs. I don’t know what more I can add the get fresh greens fruit nuts oat scrambled eggs all on a rotation throughout the week for a snack late afternoon. Black soldier larva periodically. Room to roam safely. She is on the top of the pecking order. Maybe I’m trying too hard. Ugh
I would stop the ACV and all treats and see if that helps. The commercial feed is bslanced and complete and that's all she needs. Well, plus oyster shell and grit of course.

ETA and the calcium citrate as advised.
Many people find that with a scratch and peck type feed where contents are separated, a hen may take the parts that she prefers, and may leave the parts that make a complete balanced diet. I had that experience when I use a bag of it. A homogenous balanced chicken crumble or pellet feed is all the same throughout. So there may be a calcium, vitamin D, or nutritional imbalance.

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