What about transporting chickens across state lines?


The Chickeneer
9 Years
Jun 2, 2010
El Dorado County, California
In our efforts to move to a more rural area, we are looking at a variety of possibilities, including a permanent relocation to my husband's home state of Louisiana. (JUST looking at possibilities at this time.) If we do, it would be at least several months to a year or so from now. We would probably be driving out, and we have a camper now AND a trailer so when we move, we would be using those to transport ourselves and our animals. Would we be able to move our birds? We have six, and by then I anticipate we'll have 8 or so. I am concerned about laws regarding transporting livestock across state lines. I have never done anything like this before, and I wonder if we would have to get a permit of some kind, or would it be best if we rehomed our birds when we leave and start over with new ones when we get settled in Louisiana?

Does anyone have any experience with such a move across state lines, and if so, have you encountered any issues?
You should taslk to Cetawin. She moved from west to east coast last year. Lots of experience on how to do it right.
You should taslk to Cetawin. She moved from west to east coast last year. Lots of experience on how to do it right.

Yep. In a large truck, right?
It probably depends on whether they are underage, or if you are transporting them for immoral purposes.

HAHAHAHAHAHA! You know I'm kidding! This just struck my weird sense of humor and I couldn't resist.
i know when it comes to cats, dogs, horses you do need to have certain shots and tests done a few weeks before their transport so they have recent health records you can carry with you if you ever got pulled over by an official person. but the chickens i know most states want them NPIP for being transported and call the state you are moving to get an import permit. not sure on going through the other states along the way. sorry for not helping much on that part.
You actually have a very good question. I'm not aware of the laws regarding chickens or other animals, but there are laws about transporting honeybees. The importance of that was pointed out a few years ago when somebody illegally transported honeybees that did not have the required inspections, a hive fell off the truck in this area at a rest stop (I guess he was adjusting the load), and now the local honeybees are infected with something that did not use to be in this area. I think it was a specific mite but can't remember for sure.

I'd contact the County Extension Agent, preferably in the county you are going to but your local one should be able to get you accurate information. They should be in the phone book under county government. It's not just where you are going from or to, but also the states you will cross getting there.

Thanks for acting responsibly. The honeybee keepers in this area wish others would.
State Regulations for Louisiana

Health Requirements Reguarding the Importation of Animals
For more information on current regulations please contact:

Maxwell Lea, Jr., D.V.M.
State Veterinarian
Office of Animal Health Services
P.O. Box 1951
Baton Rouge, LA 70821

Phone: (225) 925-3980
Fax: (225) 925-4103


All poultry entering the state must meet the general requirements of LAC 7:XXI.11703 and the following specific requirements:

A. All poultry or poultry eggs for hatching shall not be imported into Louisiana unless they originate in negative tested flocks under the supervision of the National Poultry Improvement Plan or in flocks that have passed a negative blood test for pullorum disease, under the supervision of the proper State Livestock Sanitary Board official, within 30 days prior to entry.

B. Poultry consigned to a recognized slaughter establishment may enter the state on a waybill, which must include the name and address of the consignee, the number of birds, and the name and address of the slaughter establishment. If, in the opinion of an authorized agent of the Livestock Sanitary Board, poultry consigned to a recognized slaughter establishment is of questionable health, the entire shipment will be quarantined immediately and consigned to a poultry establishment maintaining federal inspection for wholesomeness or be returned to the state of origin.

C. The State veterinarian may prohibit the entry of birds, eggs, or poultry by-products into Louisiana from any state which has an area under quarantine due to a contagious and/or infectious disease in the state which, in his opinion, may seriously threaten the health of Louisiana poultry.

D. Psittacine birds and mynah birds may be imported into Louisiana under permit by the state veterinarian. All birds imported into Louisiana will be quarantined at destination for 90 days.

E. No permits will be issued for importation into Louisiana of psittacine birds or mynah birds that have been vaccinated for newcastle disease.

F. Birds determined to be infected with, or exposed to, exotic newcastle disease, shall be destroyed without compensation to the owner.

G. All poultry brought into Louisiana shall be accompanied by a VS Form 9-2, indicating that the flock of origin is under the National Poultry Improvement Plan and is free of salmonella pullorum (pullorum) and salmonella gallinarum (typhoid). If the flock of origin is not under the National Poultry Improvement Plan, the birds must be accompanied by a test report from an approved laboratory indicating the birds were tested negative for salmonella pullorum/typhoid within 30 days prior to entry into Louisiana .
I've worked as a Zoo Registrar and delt a lot with shipping animals for a zoo for 12 years, and every state has different USDA regulations for their requirements for entering their state. Poultry are high on their priority lists for regulation. The regulations that pigs & peeps posted was right on target. Be sure that you follow them to the dot if you move. It doesn't matter if they are transported once or twenty times, you still need the corret paperwork. Cross your t's and dot your i's. If you get stopped and inspected by someone, have everything they list or you will run into issues. Make sure the required tests are done within the time frame- one day over and it's not legal. If you purchased egg/chickens from a facility that was certified as pullorum free (and have a certificate to prove it) and you have some other chickens that not from a certified facility, then your flock is not considered to be pullorum free. They need the blood work done. Get a certifcate of veterinary inspection from your veterinarian too, they generally are good for 10-30 days after the date they are signed (depends on the type of animal). If you run into questions, with my experience emailing the state vet will result with most quick, accurate answers. Sometimes calling you get someone on the phone who does not always know what they are talking about. Unfortunately! It's not impossible, but confusing when trying to figure it out the first time or two. And expect it might cost some money with a veterinarian to make the move legally. Check out USDA's website for information about moving animals across state lines... i am new and the forum won't let me post the link to it unfortunatley, its at usda aphis (aphis is animal part of usda) website is aphis dot usda dot gov and there is a section for moving animals across state lines.

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