What age do chickens stop laying???

4H gal

6 Years
May 26, 2013
Well I have had my very first birds for a little over two years now. I have noticed a steady decrease in egg production of these hens and I was just wondering if anyone had birds that just completely stopped laying eggs do to old age.

Thank you all for your help!!
The age marking the end of laying varies with health and breed. Heritage breeds eg Orps would probably lay for longer than my hens, which are sex links. Mine are going on 4 yrs and the production is pretty slow, but we get some good days depending on the weather and other factors.
The age marking the end of laying varies with health and breed. Heritage breeds eg Orps would probably lay for longer than my hens, which are sex links. Mine are going on 4 yrs and the production is pretty slow, but we get some good days depending on the weather and other factors.

Thank You so much!!
It depends. There are chickens that are bred for laying like White Rocks, Leghorns and such. They usally lay up to 3 years old then quite. They will lay like everyday until that time though. Then there are dual purpose birds they lay longer cause they aren't bred for just eggs.
Until this winter when I lost my older bird to weather I had some Black Australorps and some red sex link that I have had for 4 years, and they were at LEAST 2nd year layers when I got them. ANd when weather was good they still layed fine. So I would put them around 6-7 years. Cold weather cut off their laying most years though. But when they layed they layed consistently at least 50% during spring summer and early fall.

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