What age is it ok to begin introducing new foods to chickens?


11 Years
Jan 4, 2009
I have five, 5 wk old chicks who are currently inside the house still...They are still eating the starter feed. I have experimented with raw oatmeal and sesame seeds...etc. All were really loved and gobbled up, but is there a scheduled age for certain foods? Greens?
Actully on the feeding bags they always write, that you start feeding your chicken laying mesh when they are 18 weeks old.
Greens and other treats you can start feeding them in another two weeks, that what I always do, but if the weather was better, I will let them free range under my supervision for an hour or so and let them pick what they like.

No I dont think so.....When I had my broody hen hatch out some babies for me last spring.....everytime I fed her some treats she would give them to her babies first....or call them to come and eat....as long as its not to hard or too large for them to swallow I think its fine....
Oh I agree with you 100% I just ment,that laying mesh what I have to watch for 18 weeks, and when it is worm enough I will free range even chicks. I did not want to let the chicks out if it is too cold.

My chicks are 5 days old and Miss Prissy said I could give them yogurt to build there immunity and have xtra protien. They love it but it is messy !
OOOps I think I posted just after you Omran.....I was too busy looking at my fingers and not the screen....I was answering Matts question....sorry for the misunderstanding....I also agree with you too !

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