what age should we see eggs?


8 Years
Jul 15, 2011
Hi, we have 3 BR's and 3 EE's. All are about to turn 21 weeks and we have yet to see a single egg...We thought we heard an egg song about two weeks ago, but alas no eggs. What is the average egg laying age for these breeds? Will it be soon? Thanks in advance for any help.
What type do you have? My white leghorns started about 2 weeks ago and they turned 24 weeks last week..my black sex links turned 23 weeks this week and one started laying...it depends on the breed but in general I would say when they are good and ready!
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Are any of them squatting yet??

That is a good sign that something is going to happen with a week or so. Mine only sing when they are laying though. You definitely know when its happening.

My chick-a-dees are 5 months old and two of the four just started laying on Saturday.

I am reading though that if its hot where you live that its holding up the process.

Good Luck!
Thank you all for the reply's. Our family is new to chickens these are our first. Funny how quickly they turned into our pets, not just egg makers. So from what I gather, we should be seeing eggs when the hens feel like making some! It will be nice to let my two girls know that. They keep going out to the coop on egg hunts. BYCer's are the best!
We have witnessed two of the BR's squat when we try to pick them up. One started this about a week or so ago and the other one just a few days ago. That is exciting, maybe we are closer then we think. We are in the Pacific Northwest and have had rather cool weather this summer with only two days so far that hit 80 degrees. So I am pretty sure heat is not our problem.
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We have witnessed two of the BR's squat when we try to pick them up. One started this about a week or so ago and the other one just a few days ago. That is exciting, maybe we are closer then we think.

You are definitely getting there then. Fingers crossed that it is soon!

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