It seems that one of my lil' Rouens has progressed past the peep. Possible female? There roughly...four weeks or so old? I'll have to double check, but I'm semi-sure. I noticed when I did the nightly 'Try To Gently Round Up The Ducklings So They Don't Get Eaten' run.
Also, what age to Pekins usually get their drake tail feathers? I bought two 'hens' but ones tail is looking suspiciously otherwise. There still small, but larger than my other ducklings. Exact age unsure, they seem to be getting their first 'big duck' feathers now. Pics and videos tomorrow
Also, what age to Pekins usually get their drake tail feathers? I bought two 'hens' but ones tail is looking suspiciously otherwise. There still small, but larger than my other ducklings. Exact age unsure, they seem to be getting their first 'big duck' feathers now. Pics and videos tomorrow