What am I?

ella - you are probably right on the washed out legs on the white one.

freebie - my elder hens do have much thicker legs than my youngins. I've got some in the year range and they are no where as thick as others in 3-4 year range. At a year old, you should be basically getting eggs daily once these get settled in...that will be the sign your looking for. Not sure of any other way to tell how old they are. Maybe someone else knows.

Well, I am getting 8-10 eggs a day from 12 laying hens. I don't see many white eggs, and that is what the white ones would lay correct? I do get 2 blue ones almost everyday now. And then there are some oblong ones. I have not seen the oblong ones before, so I am wondering who lays those. It has to be either the red one or the black one. I don't think the buff orphingtons would lay them. At least my Buffy never had.
I believe the 4th picture is a Golden Laced Wyandotte

If the Whites are Rocks (and I'm leaning toward Rocks) the egg will be brown.

If the Whites are Orpingtons then the eggs will also be brown.

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