What are all your animals?

Wow, I feel like I barely have any animals compared to everyone else!

I have:
21 chickens: 2 roosters & 19 hens
1 dog: a beagle mix (he is awesome!)
1 cat:shorthaired orange tabby
1 bird: love bird named tweeters
Glad to see that I'm not the only one on the "many animal" list, I feel like I have everything except the partiage in a pear tree.
I have: a 6 month old female Great Pyrenees, Cassiopeia (more commonly called Cassie, Cassowary, Cass, Cass-master- she's going to be spayed next month)
-4 neutered male cats- Scratch, age 16 (deaf as a stone); Gringo, age 12 (brought back from Mexico as a kitten, thus the name); Louie, age 3 (the lone survivor of one of my female's first litter); and Sparta, age 2 (Louie's half-brother, huge scaredy-cat but so loveable)
-2 female spayed cats- Happy, age 4 (who had three litters and was a great mama); and Minnie, age 2, (Sparta and Louie's half-sister, so named b/c she is tiny, but she is one heck of a hunter)

-and an ever-growing number of chickens b/c they apparently have decided they all want to be mamas. There are 36 adult chickens, five 7-week-olds, and six 1-week-olds, so that's what. . . 47 chickens so far. If anybody tells you hatchery birds won't go broody, smack 'em!
We have had tons of barn cats over 6 years and many other animals but we do not own now or they have died including ponies, goats,chickens etc............

.1 black standard girly: Phoebe
. 2 house/outside cat girls: Bug and Cricket
. 7 ducks: 1 runner female: Spock
3 Swedish 1 boy: Calsifer 2 girls: Howl and Sophie
3 girl Buff ducklings picked up today : still working on names, thinking of Hinata, Ino, and Sakura
. 2 goldfish: Sheila and Rocko
2 Horses: Dakota and Ranger, both paint quarter horses. Ranger is my avatar.
10 Chickens (as of now): Ginger, Rhonda, and Cleo, EE's; Luna and Lily, SLW; Dora, australorp; 4 unnamed 2-day olds, buff silkie, salmon favorolles(sp?), EE, and one silver maran of some sort.
1 cat: Magic, possible rag doll mix cat.
1 dog: Shiner Bock (like the beer), German Shorthaired Pointer.

That's about all of them.
1 Thoroughbred Gelding - Zeffirelli
1 Chihuahua - Princess
1 Tortoise Shell Calico Cat- Tack
24 Chickens - Red Pyle Old English Game Roo - Snow
Mille Fleur d'Uccle Roo- Fugly
Mille Fleur d'Uccle Hen - Fuggers
5 Serama Roos - All Unnamed
Black Tail White Japanese Roo - Unnamed
Black Tail White Japanese Hen - Unnamed
2 Silver Sebright Hens - Both Unnamed
Golden Sebright Hen - Unnamed
2 Black Breasted Red Old English Game Hens - Both Unnamed
9 Serama Chicks - All Unnamed
2 Button Quail - Both Unnamed

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