What are my chickens doing??


8 Years
Apr 1, 2011
We have never had or raised chickens before but decided to try our hand at it after we moved out to the country last fall. About 6 weeks ago, my husband came home from the feed store with 4 small baby chicks (just a few days old). We have kept them in a brooding house since they were so small and we sometimes have hot/cold spikes in the weather this time of year. On pretty days we have let them out into the fenced in chicken yard to enjoy the sun and to scratch in the dirt and look for bugs. Since it's been getting prettier a lot more they have been going out a lot. This morning my children and I put them outside and decided to stand and watch them and their funny behaviors for a few minutes. We noticed them doing this wierd funny laying down thing. They would lay down on their sides for a few seconds and stretch out the wing that was on top of their body. It looked like they were basking in the sunshine or something?!?! They all 4 did this each a few times. They would lay down for a few seconds then get up and resume their normal walking around and scratching in the dirt/picking at bits of grass and then lay down again and "bask in the sun/stretch" again. Since we are new at this I thought I would ask if someone who has been around chickens a lot more than us could possibly tell us what in the world they were doing.
They are taking dirt baths. It is hilarious to watch.
They will make you laugh everyday.

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