What are some cheap coop ideas?

I'm makin' one outta spruce logs...
I've see houses made outta haybales, & you could do that as well...plenty in IA if I reckon correctly...Likewise, you could dig a hole in the ground, put some wood in for walls, & VIOLA, you got yerself a "DIRT" cheap coop...
my lumber yard is giving me a really good deal on advantech that has been around a while,
and they have a scrap bin too

yesterday i got sheet vinyl remnants for free, enough for the floor and under the roosts too.
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I'm finally tired enough to sleep. BYC is soooo addicting, biut haven't gotten the help I needed tonight, so hopefully I have some when I wake up.

Already some great ideas here, but I wanted to make sure I posted so I can come back in later.

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