What are some good ways to help my baby chicks bond to me?

My one week old Buff Orpingtons just started eating from my hand tonight.

I have no idea what the change was. I was out there with them earlier, and they ran from me. Then before final check they came to me... go figure.

I think it just takes them a little time to get used to you.

It made me happy though.
I've got two relatively docile breeds and the d'Uccles are terrified of me no matter what I do. I'm just going to keep plugging away at them. After reading a few of the comments, I'm beginning to suspect it's because of how I initially picked them up. I would pick them up over their back until I could get my other hand under them. Time to adjust strategy.
We always have a mom chicken rather than an incubator, and both of them freak out of I pick up the chicks. Which sucks for them because I MUST HOLD THE CUTE CHICKS. So far, we haven't reared any particularly friendly birds, but Im going to try sitting on the ground with the mom, and some chick feed, and perhaps they will better tolerate the experience.

I also think that since the old birds are skittish around us, the chick learns to mistrust us, too.

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