What are the pros and cons about chicks born in June?


May 5, 2017
Independence MO
I need some advice here:: I'm getting itchy to plunge into chicks. My plan was to research and then build a coop and run to be ready for growing chicks next year. I think I can get a coop and run built by the end of July. That would mean getting early June chicks. I'm in central west Missouri so our winters can occasionally be really cold but mostly they aren't too bad except the wind and week or so here and there with bitter weather. Garden people zone 6 and I'm in a pocket that is 7 some years. Would those chicks be ready for winter as we usually don't get very much cold until December. I will be protecting the coop and run with straw bales to block the wind on the west and north sides. There will be no power available.

I'm also trying to find where to purchase late chicks without driving to Springfield, about 4 hours south. I only want 3 so ordering them would be way under the minimums of most.
The biggest con I can think of is that they will be reaching sexual maturity as the days are getting shorter, so you may not see any eggs until Feb. You could get around that by giving them supplemental light.

The pro would be that you will be brooding them during the warm part of the year, so will not need to supply much supplemental heat. You can brood them right in your coop, and I recommend a heating pad brooder instead of a heat lamp. You can read about it in Blooie's article which you can click on in my signature.

No matter when you get your chicks, I strongly recommend that you have your coop and run ready before you get them. Minimum of 4 s.f. in the coop, and 10 s.f. in the run per bird is the general recommendation. They will be fine to be in the coop and secure run at 4 - 5 weeks old without supplemental heat.
The only disadvantage I see to late chicks is that they may not begin laying until spring. I got chicks May 19th last year, and they didn't lay until Feb and Mar. But not to worry about being ready for cold, they will be fine, as others have already advised you.
Cackle Hatchery in Lebanon, MO would be my choice...look at all the breeds they have!
Thanks, Cackle is only 137 miles from me and they have store hours on Saturday so I could go there!!! YAY thanks. They currently don't have any Americaunas but I'm flexible on that.

Not too worried about when they start laying more that I can take care of them properly. Eggs of course would be a plus. Unless battery operated lights aren't an option. I am adding some battery light to surrounding coop area just for convenience of not having to juggle a flashlight--my backyard is very dark.

I've been researching cold and heat tolerant breeds as we also have hot humid summers. I have eliminated many breeds due to weather tolerances. I also have my coop and run plan partially drawn and went to check on building supply options today.

I was figuring on having a coop and run ready in the fall for spring but if I can have it planned and started this coming 3 day weekend I think I'll be OK. Setting up a brooder will be quick: basement spot, have boxes, have a fixture have to buy a bulb. Have done this before many years ago.
I got chicks in late July and they were winter ready before we got cold here in zone 5 northern Colorado.
Only con is that some breeds mature late so eggs would come in the late winter to spring.
My July girls started laying in January. I got Black Australorp and Black Sex Links.

I also recommend Cackle.
Don't worry about then being ready for winter--they'd be well feathered out! Folks have mentioned the perhaps not getting eggs until spring. I did have one chicken start laying in December tho. Also second Cackle--you can pick up the day after the hatch date on the website. I'm in St. Louis and drove there to pick up chicks a few weeks ago, just wanted to minimize shipping stress. They have a nice little storefront in Lebanon. You also might call to check, they usually have a good selection of chicks onsite in their brooders that you do not need to pre-order. A few weeks ago, I remember they had Black Ameracaunas and RIRs at least plus several more. I was trying to get my chicks and get out of there before I found more! ;) They do have a 3 chick minimum of any breed. Not sure if they'd waive that for ones on hand on not. Good luck!!

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