What are these chicks?


6 Years
Jun 19, 2013
Central Maine
I received 6 chicks from someone that I know. They had hatched a bunch of chicks for a fair and had quite a few left over, so I said that I would take some. These are the ones that I received. In these pictures they are about 2 weeks old, they were hatched around Labor Day. The person I got them from has about 200 chickens of all different kinds, so these are most likely crosses of some kind. Any thoughts on what they are??? Also, without knowing what they are, would there be any way to tell at this point if they a girls or boys?

Chick 1

Chick 2

Chick 3

Chick 4

Chick 5

Chick 6

There is no possible way to ID the parents of these crosses at this young age, and perhaps not even when they are full grown. Chick 1 looks roo-ish to me, but they are all too young to sex with any certainty, too.

I received 6 chicks from someone that I know. They had hatched a bunch of chicks for a fair and had quite a few left over, so I said that I would take some. These are the ones that I received. In these pictures they are about 2 weeks old, they were hatched around Labor Day. The person I got them from has about 200 chickens of all different kinds, so these are most likely crosses of some kind. Any thoughts on what they are??? Also, without knowing what they are, would there be any way to tell at this point if they a girls or boys?

Chick 1

Chick 2

Chick 3

Chick 4

Chick 5

Chick 6

At this age, I think they are still a bit too young to be able to tell their genders quite yet.
Here are my guesses as to what breeds they are;
Chick 1: If it's a standard, I'd say Welsummer or Brown Leghorn. If it's a bantam, then I'd say maybe OEGB or Dutch, but there are a lot of color variations, so I know that's not really helpful.
Chick 2: Silkie cross
Chick 3: Silkie cross
Chick 4: I don't know.
Chick 5: I don't know. If it's a banty, I'd say the same as I did for chick 1.
Chick 6: Silkie or silkie cross

Maybe if you posted some photos in four to six weeks plus, folks on the forum would be able to help you more. Hope that helped some! : )
Thanks all! I will definitely post some pictures when they are older. Just to add some more info about them...
Chick 1: Definitely a standard, by far the largest chick in the group. I have definite suspicions that this one is a rooster.
Chick 4: I am thinking this one is a rooster too. I am amazed at how long the tail feathers are on this one. Is actually very similar to chick 5 with the long tail feathers and that strange long curly feathers near their necks.
Chick 5: I'm thinking a bantam breed, very small compared to the others.

Also for the possible silkie crosses, yes, the person I got them from does have quite a few silkies. Chick 2 and 6 both have feathering on their legs, but none of those 3 have the 5 toes.

Whatever they turn out to be, we have been having a blast raising them. These are the first chicks that I have raised, all my other chickens I bought at 4+ months old.

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