What ARE we? **Pic Heavy**


11 Years
12 Years
Jan 25, 2008
The Wilds of Western PA
Okay, I have had my chicks from Ideal a month, and still have no idea what kind of birds I was sent. I plan on calling in the AM. They are supposed to be a Wyandotte assortment.
So, in the meantime, here are some pictures of my 2 "special needs" chicks who are getting ready to go out to the coop with the other babies tomorrow.
Any ideas on the breeds?

First pic is for size comparison. These chicks were sent the same day. Note the size difference.

Here is my mini chick - a bantam maybe?
The wing feathers:

Top view:

From the side:

Here is the black chick. She/he was spraddle legged, and is now doing well after a week or so on a duct tape splint.


She/he had no interest in the camera, so the top pic of the two is the best side view I could get.
And, just because it was a darn cute pic:

So, any ideas, sex or breed, would be hugely appreciated.
The only one I'd even guess at is the first picture where you are holding out the wing (the brownish feathers). I'm guessing an EE on that chick.
I was originally thinking EE, but check out the yellow legs. EE's are only supposed to have the greenish/slate legs, right?

I want to call Ideal, but I have no idea what breeds I have. Like I said, they were supposed to be a Wyandotte assortment. :|

Okay, this is me:

Just got off the phone with Ideal. They are such a nice bunch of people down there. They pulled my order and said I didn't order the Wyandotte Assortment, I ordered the Surprize Pullet Special.

I was sure I ordered the Wyandottes, but maybe something got mixed up in the processing. Anyways, she assured me they are all pullets (up to 90% accuracy) and she couldn't begin to tell me what they threw in that week.


So, expect me to be perusing Feathersite for my breeds and coming here with the ones I can't figure out, LOL.

And, after looking at Feathersite, and looking at breeds other than Wyandottes, I think the black one is an Australourpe and the second maybe a Welsummer??

I would be
to have some Welsummer hens.
I'm going to have to get out the coop on Wednesday when my husband is off and can watch the kids while I get pictures of all my chicks and see what the heck I got.

I was thinking Australourpe because of the slate legs.

Thanks everyone-
I have no idea what kind of chicks you have there, but I wanted to tell you that the pic "from the side" looks like it has bunny ears!!! It's soooo cute

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