Meyer Hatchery is amazing, they know what I went through this week and got with me this first thing this mornging. I also have 3 Black Copper Marans, 2 Welsummers, 1 Golden Laced Wyandotte and 1 Blue laced red Wyandotte coming, they will be in a seperate shipping box, so lets hope they come into Denver at the same time!
Meyer Hatchery is amazing, they know what I went through this week and got with me this first thing this mornging.  I also have 3 Black Copper Marans, 2 Welsummers, 1 Golden Laced Wyandotte and 1 Blue laced red Wyandotte coming, they will be in a seperate shipping box, so lets hope they come into Denver at the same time!

I hope your chicks arrive safe and sound! My chicks will also be traveling through Denver but I'm only an hour from there. Thinking positive thoughts to both you and your chicks today!
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Meyer Hatchery is amazing, they know what I went through this week and got with me this first thing this mornging. I also have 3 Black Copper Marans, 2 Welsummers, 1 Golden Laced Wyandotte and 1 Blue laced red Wyandotte coming, they will be in a seperate shipping box, so lets hope they come into Denver at the same time!

Impressed by that customer service, like I was floored! Unheard of and very grateful for good people at Meyers!
Thank you, me to! I would feel so heart broken and guilty if something happens. I have shipping numbers for both and Fedex has said they will do their best to help me track them through their facilities. Everyone has been wonderful.
Just got email confirmation that my chicks have been shipped!
They are here! All 5 arrived safe and sound. They are already eating a little bit and moving around. I'm impressed they got here so fast! The post office called me around 9am

So I'm new to all of this backyard chicken stuff. Lived on my grandparents chicken farm growing up, but I'm more nervous about messing up my new flock of 10 chickens over the 10s of thousands we had at any given time. I can't wait to give my kids a taste of fun I had as a kids chasing chicks! Have 10 coming in later this week. They are supposed to ship tomorrow! My wife says I'm worse than the kids. I think she may be right!!! So this is what I've got coming:
2 buff orpingtons
2 Silver Laced Wyandottes
2 Rhode Island Reds
2 Black Sex Links
2Barred Plymouth Rock

I've got the brooder ready, the coop ready and putting the finishing touches on the run.

The ladies at Estes Hatchery in Springfield MO were a pleasure to talk to and seemed just as excited as I was about me getting the chicks. Ordered last Friday morning and will be here 1 week later.
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