What are your pet peeves?

I is verra edumacated!!! My typo's are frequent

***I think I killed it....the thread
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My pet peeve: flaky people and people who are always late.

Do not say you're going to be somewhere and then never show up or call. That makes you a FLAKE.

Don't be late, it shows that not only do you not manage your time well but you also have no respect for other people's time

Ticking clocks would be another.. There were 5 clocks in my room (4 were decorative) and I couldn't sleep. So, I got up and turned them off and I think with one I moved it to another room. I didn't do it calmly though... I remember looking like a crazy person!
People who chew with their mouth open and who make noises doing so while in a public setting like common lunch room or restaurant.

People who clip their nails in a public place (or who file or paint their nails in a public place). (This used to be TERRIBLE when I would take the train/subway in and out of Manhattan. To me - this is something gross that I don't want to smell or hear (or have a nail fly at my face) while I'm sitting next to you. It's something private you do in your bathroom.

People who dress too skimpy in public or have too much PDA - again something you should be doing in YOUR HOME and I don't wanna see it.

People who don't cough or sneeze into their arm. Or people who do so into their hands and then hand me something. Gross. Way gross.

I think I'll stop. lol.
BTW - I should note that I have no "pet" peeves cause the animals don't bother me!! hehehehehehehehehe
Tailgaters on the interstate. For petes sake how fast do we really need to go. 75 is pretty darn fast when one has a wreck.

People who make really bad choices repeatedly in their life and expect everyone to feel sorry for them.

People that it does not matter who is talking to whom they feel they need to butt in and add their 2 cents.

People who have weeds in their own life but feel they need to tell others about the weeds they need to clean up.
( if that did not make sense how about ... people who's life is a mess giving advice to others)


This stupid loudmouth cat that has been meowing for over an hour in my ear. ( the food is full, the litter is clean, the water is fresh, you have been petted so what is the reason for all the noise?)
back biters and vicious gossipers. you know people who have nothing better to do than scorn others behind their back, make rude innuendos and are just all around nasty.

Seriously, targeting and saying nasty things about someone doesn't make you a good person, especially if you (proverbial you) is too much of a coward to say it to the person's face. I have a friend going through that right now.

It doesn't bother me so much (though it can hurt) when someone does it tot me, but it really upsets me when someone does it to someone I care about. It is even worse when the people doing something so petty like that are in a position of authority.
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People who spit and don't care WHERE. Just absolutely makes me want to throw up when I see a mess on the ground in a parking lot or somewhere we walk on a daily basis. Watched a base umpire spit 6 times in 10 min. at a ball game the other night for TEN years olds, and I was ready to go tell him to STOP IT. Ugh. He spit right off from where the boys were running and sliding for gosh sakes!!!

Also, people who say "I don't want to hurt your feelings, or think I am picking on you but . . . . ." grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
My pet peeve? Well,.....I work to have a life, work is not my life, so when I'm out at a restaurant or other public place indulging in a little R&R----having a coworker recognize me and come over to "chat". Not having much in common with those bozos (they're not gardeners or chicken owners) invariably the subject they bring up is work related gossip or whining complaints.

I really need to work on my Curmudgeon skills!

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