What breed am I and a pic of my new coop!


In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 21, 2008
North Carolina
Ok, after finding out the chick I thought was the rare breed wasn't, I'm thinking maybe this guy is. Anyone know the breed? And I'm thinking he's a he. If this chick isn't the rare breed I'm at a loss. I thought I had all the others figured out. All of the chicks are 4 weeks old today. I am in NC with temps. around 50-60 lately. When is it ok to put them outside? We can hang their light in the coop.
Also added a pic of the chickens new coop that we finished this weekend.

What color should I paint the outside? My MIL said yellow. The roof is green.
Thanks everyone!


Is it bantam or standard? My first thought is Porcelin D'Uccle, but that's a bantam and I'm probably off.

If you're going t have a light in the coop, you can put them out there. Otherwise I'd wait until two months or so.
They are bantam. Should I put their light up high where they would sleep/roost or down lower? well phooey! LOL I don't think I got a rare breed then.

Oh well, I still love them all anyway. Is there a way to tell if someone is "rare?"
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I would do it down lower, but that may just be personal preference. THat way if they get cld and want to huddle under the light, they can.

Are the sides of the cage hardware cloth? If so, you may want to pin tarps up on the sides at night to keep the heat in.

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