What breed am I?


May 27, 2020
I just got these little babies❤, I had asked what they were. All I was told is assorted bantams.... any ideas?


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It will be easier to tell when they get older.

What I can and cannot tell now:

The pale chick in the first picture does not have feathered feet, or a crest on its head, and I do not think it has extra toes. So I know it is not a Silkie, a Cochin, a Brahma, a Polish, a Sultan, or a d'Uccle. I cannot see the comb type clearly, so it could possibly be a Japanese Bantam, or an Old English Game Bantam, or a Cornish Bantam, or an Easter Egger Bantam or some other breed yet. When it grows up, the color might be White, Black Tailed White, Wheaten, Buff, or quite a few other options.

The darkest chick is likely to be black or blue colored when mature, but it could possibly be partridge or birchen or a few other options. I cannot see comb type, foot color, number of toes, or whether it has feathered feet. I do not think it has a crest, so probably not Polish or Silkie.

The reddish-brown one has at least as many possible options as the lightest one, although the list of colors is entirely different. I don't think it has a crest, so not Polish or Silkie. I cannot tell comb type, foot color, number of toes, or whether it has feathered feet.

Another thing I can tell now is that they're all cute :)
The first one has feathered feet.
Second has black legs.


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The feather footed one--it's the brown one?
It's probably a cochin of some sort. They come in lots of colors. I'm pretty sure it will be a gold-based color (some shade of gold, red, or brown), not a silver-based color. So it might be red or partridge or gold laced or buff or some other color I've forgotten (I don't keep track of all the colors cochins can be.)

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