What breed am I?


8 Years
Aug 17, 2011
West Texas
So, about 6 weeks ago, our 10 chicks were delivered from Ideal Poultry... along with 12 packing peanuts! They all appear to be the same breed... Just not sure what breed they are. Here are a few pics.




So, what do you guys and gals think?
Look a bit like SLW's that are terrible quality, but it could be just that they are young so the feathers aren't correct yet.
I see a bunch of poor quality SLW as well....some single combs, poor lacing, but seem to be of the SLW ilk...what breed did you order? I see a red bird, and a barred bird in there.

I have read from another member on here that SLW roos will develop white "shields" on their shoulders though...going by that, and comb color w/ age, I would say I see three possible SLW roos in the last picture
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I ordered 1RIR, 2Production Reds, 2Plymoth Rocks, 2 Buff Oringtons, 2 Black Australorps, 1 Ameraucana... I got all them plus a dozen of these other guys
So, if they are SLW's, how can I differentiate between hens and roos and how soon? The roos are going to the freezer, what is a good age to... take them off the feed bill?
to me with the redness of the combs i see they all appear to be cockerels if there any pullets be happy as most packing peanuts are roosters
well, we can give you a pretty good guess...if you want to post separate pics of each we could give it a go...but from what I have learned here on BYC, SLW males will have white "shields" on their shoulders as feathers come in, and their combs and wattles will be more red, and better developed than the girls of the same age.

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