What Breed and Gender?


7 Years
Jun 18, 2012
Central VA
I am new to the chicken raising! My 5 are 14 weeks old (8.8.12). We hatched eggs in an incubator for a school project. I adopted 5 in hopes to have a couple of hens for eggs. The farmer who donated the eggs gave the teachers a list of possible breeds. I do not have that list but some of the breeds that I can remember that were on there are- Australorp, Araucana, Ameraucana, & Rhode Island Red. I think there was one more. So as these chicken get older and through internet searches/books, I've come to determine that these guys must be MUTT chickens! There were 3 colors of eggs in the incubator- green, brown, and an off white. None of the green eggs hatched. For now they are free rangers during the day and all stay in the coop at night. I know very soon that I will need to separate the males from the females. And I'm probably only keeping one rooster. I'm trying to give the black one some time to crow before I decide who to find a home for.

The black chick, (who was all black, orange on beak, yellow legs, small patch of white on chest) was all black like an Australorp (with the green and purple iridescent feathers) until about 9 weeks of age when brick red feathers started coming out on his back. Then red feathers started coming off the back of his neck. I say he because I'm pretty sure he is a roo based on shape and tail. He has not crowed and only makes squeaky sounds. His comb recently (12weeks) started turning red.
So my questions are... is this a pure breed or is he a mix?? And do you agree that he is a roo?? And should I be concerned that he hasn't crowed yet.

"Daisy" who is now "Day-Z"
Day-Z was a yellow chick with a little gray spot on its back. Day-Z started crowing around 11 weeks! Day-Z's comb was quite roosterish by 4 weeks. Day-Z is the alpha and has been the whole time. His tail feathers have a green tint to them and the dirty brown spots on his back are small partial red feathers. He lets you pet and hold him. He will come up to you sitting in a chair and jump on. He is my favorite!. He gets jealous when a cat or dog comes up to me. No aggressive behavior yet but I know it's a possibility. What breed is this Rooster?

"Big red"
I'm pretty sure Big Red is a hen because she's the only one really shaped like a hen. Big Red is quiet and has no problem doing her own thing. Big red as poofy face feathers and that comb has always been there & that color. However, her feet are huge!
What do you think? Hen? Breed?

The "Racers 1 & 2" or "The Twins"
We call them "Racer" because as chicks they had 3 black racing stripes down their backs and they are fast!
Both have greenish legs and feet. Someone told me that they might be Easter Eggers. They are slender and their heads are shaped like an eagle or hawk. Neither had visible combs. They seemed flat and flesh color. Within a couple of weeks they started turning pink. They are the same age. One is larger than the other. I was thinking that little racer (Racer#1) might be a runt? They also have some different colorings. Their tails seem long though. Hmmmm? They are a pair and stick together.
Questions- Genders and Breed?

pic 1- Racer#1

pic2- Racer#2

here they are together

Thanks for taking the the time to read my post and look at these pictures. Any thoughts would help! Thank You!
first 2 are cockerels and the other pics all show pullets

1. will crow at some point, breed could be a mix,
2. looks like a red sex link
3. looks like an ee
4 and 5 both look like games

but without knowing were the eggs came from and what breeds the breeder has/had the breeds are just guesses
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Uno and Day are roos, the others are hens. They all look like mixed breeds to me. Day and the racers look to have game bird in them, big red has some easter egger and MAY lay you a green egg. The racers will probably lay cream/beige eggs and be good mothers, if you want to let them set when they go broody. Uno--I'm not sure what he's mixed with, he sure looks like a nice big roo who'd make a good dinner, if you're so inclined!
first 2 are cockerels and the other pics all show pullets

1. while crow at some point, breed could be a mix,
2. looks like a red sex link
3. looks like an ee
4 and 5 both look like games

but without knowing were the eggs came from and what breeds the breeder has/had the breeds are just guesses
Agree on #1
2. Delaware Roo
3. EE
agree on 4 and 5
Here are my guesses: :)

1. Uno is definitely a rooster. He looks like he has EE & Australorp in him.
2. Day-Z- I'm not sure. The breeds from the list don't seem to match up with his colors.
3. Big Red is a hen. She looks like she's EE & RIR.
4. Racers 1 & 2 are hens. I agree with the others that they are a game mix. As for their green legs, that comes from the EE; so they're probably Game & EE.

Hope this helps!! :)
What do you mean by "game bird?"

Here is a definition I found off the web:
Game Fowl:
Any of several breeds reared for cockfighting.

However, I *think* cockfighting is illegal in the U.S. Perhaps more experienced game folk can help. :) I've only been given Game fowl hens so I really don't know much about them except that they are really pretty, come in many different / unusual (?) colors and are supposed to be super great setters. I have LOVED my game hens. The one I have now acts so much like a regular chicken, it's hard to remember she's game. LOL :)

Here's a link about Game Chickens that might help.

Hope this helps!! :)
Here is a definition I found off the web:
Game Fowl:
Any of several breeds reared for cockfighting.

However, I *think* cockfighting is illegal in the U.S. Perhaps more experienced game folk can help. :) I've only been given Game fowl hens so I really don't know much about them except that they are really pretty, come in many different / unusual (?) colors and are supposed to be super great setters. I have LOVED my game hens. The one I have now acts so much like a regular chicken, it's hard to remember she's game. LOL :)

Here's a link about Game Chickens that might help.

Hope this helps!! :)

Thank you! That did help. And a few of those pictures matched my babies! I thought it meant that a wild game bird mated with a hen. Can we eat the eggs like regular hens?

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