What breed and how old?


5 Years
Mar 10, 2014
Smithfield Ohio
I have always wanted a few chickens for eggs and pets and have 4 peeps coming in May. A couple hours ago there was a knock at my door and a young girl with two young chickens was begging me to take them or her boyfriend was going to kill them! So I did . One looks like Plymouth Rock but I can't figure out the other one. Also any ideas how old? They are still peeping. Any help would be much appreciated!
Am I posting incorrectly? This is my second post on here and I've gotten no responses. Can no one see my posts or am I doing something wrong?
Thank you, I'm not sure either but it's the bigger of the two. I hope it's not a roo! How old would you say? They have all their feathers but are still on the small size. They still sound like chicks.

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