What Breed are my chicks and what gender are they? 3wk 5 day old chics


5 Years
Oct 6, 2014
Hi there!

I'm new to this group and raising Chickens. I got these two when they were one week old at a Kindergarden. The kinder didn't know what breed they were so i was wondering if anyone could help me.

In the picture they are 3 weeks and 5 days old. I was wondering if you could also determine their gender as i'm not allowed to have roosters in my backyard and at least i can find a home for them in the meantime (if they are boys).

If you need more pictures let me know what to take a photo of or if you need clearer ones. =]

Thanks in advance!

They appear to be Black Australorp chicks, and given the amount of comb they have at that age, and the development of the pointed tail and sickle feathers, I'd say they are both roosters.
Probably Black Australorps. I'm not seeing that many rooster signs (the comb and wattles don't seem that pink, though they are large). I think that it's a little too young to be certain.
They are probably Black Australorps, and both look like pullets for now. However, it is too young to be sure.
Thanks everyone for your input/help i will definatly post more pictures up in a few weeks time =]
So i've taken new photos of my Black Australorp chicks. They are now 6 weeks old in the photos. I also got two Araucana's who should be females, well that's what the owner said when she sold them to me so i hope they are.

Chick 1:

Chick 2:

my new Araucana's who apparently are females and one week older then my Australorp's.


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