What Breed Are My Chicks?

Chickie Lady

9 Years
Apr 2, 2014
I have a few chicks that I got from the pullet bin at a local feed store and I haven't yet figured out what breed they are. If anyone can help me with this it would be greatly appreciated. They are about 5 and a half weeks old now. Here are some pics.

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I have a few chicks that I got from the pullet bin at a local feed store and I haven't yet figured out what breed they are. If anyone can help me with this it would be greatly appreciated. Blue Andalusian
Golden Lakenvelder
Black Sex-Link
Anconoa or Exchequer Leghorn
Barred Plymouth Rock
Buff Orpington
I have a few chicks that I got from the pullet bin at a local feed store and I haven't yet figured out what breed they are. If anyone can help me with this it would be greatly appreciated. They are about 5 and a half weeks old now. Here are some pics.Blue Andalusian, probably a cockerel.
Silver Lakenvelder, not sure on gender but guessing pullet for now.
Black Sex-Link pullet.
Exchequer Leghorn or Ancona, not sure on gender.

Barred Rock pullet.
Buff Orpington pullet.
@Wyandottes7 Thanks for the help. I was thinking possibly Blue Andalusian and Golden Lakenvelder for those two. I was also thinking Barred Rock for the black and white one until I read that they have yellow feet. Mine actually has pinkish gray legs and the bottoms of her feet are pink which makes me wonder if she is possibly a Cuckoo Marans. I don't know though. What do you think? I know you can't see her feet in the pic. She wouldn't let me get a full body shot of her. She always wants to be close to me and she was pecking the camera and trying to get me to pay attention to her while I was trying to take the picture lol.
@BantamLover21 I really appreciate your input. I was thinking Blue Andalusian for that one, but wasn't sure about it. I sure hope she isn't a cockerel because I have already got a few of those I will have to rehome and she is one of my favorites. Also I named her Sylvia. I guess if she is a boy and I end up keeping him I can change it to Sylvester, lol. Thanks so much.
@Wyandottes7 I took another look at her legs and feet today and now they seem to be more yellow looking. The legs are still a bit grayish also though. Now I am back to thinking Barred Rock again.lol I don't know, but she is a very friendly girl. The calmest I have besides my bantam cochins.
Here is another pic of a chick that I am not sure about. It was supposed to be an Australorp. I got it from a bin at the feed store on which the label said Australorp. There was, however, another label on the bin that said black broilers. I specifically asked about this to make sure they were Australorps because I did not want any meat birds. They said they were all Australorps. They just hadn't removed that label. I got 6 of them and they all look like Australorps except for this one. Can you all tell me if I am wrong and maybe this is just a weird looking really fast growing Australorp? Is it a broiler bird? I am thinking so because of how fast he is growing and because of the way the feathers are coming in slower than the others. Also the feathers that are coming in around the chest area have goldish red streaks in them. I don't think Australorps ever have that...or do they? Please help me figure this out. I appreciate it. Here he is.

I would just like to know if he is a meat bird or not. He is about 3 weeks old.
Here is another pic of a chick that I am not sure about. It was supposed to be an Australorp. I got it from a bin at the feed store on which the label said Australorp. There was, however, another label on the bin that said black broilers. I specifically asked about this to make sure they were Australorps because I did not want any meat birds. They said they were all Australorps. They just hadn't removed that label. I got 6 of them and they all look like Australorps except for this one. Can you all tell me if I am wrong and maybe this is just a weird looking really fast growing Australorp? Is it a broiler bird? I am thinking so because of how fast he is growing and because of the way the feathers are coming in slower than the others. Also the feathers that are coming in around the chest area have goldish red streaks in them. I don't think Australorps ever have that...or do they? Please help me figure this out. I appreciate it. Here he
Thank you BantamLover21. I can't figure him out. The only thing I am pretty sure of is it's a boy. That's because of the comb and his legs are very thick also. All the Australorps I got at the same time look like Australorps. I have one sex link female and that's what the streaks on this one reminded me of too, but you're right... There's no way that's what this is. I guess it's possible it could be a very differently marked Australorp. He does have black feathers coming in with a bit of white like my others, but otherwise very different. When he was smaller his fuzz was brown instead of black like the others. You can still see it in his head. I don't know. This one has got me stumped. I probably won't keep him because I already have a few cockerels I am hoping to keep... Really more than I should and this one has the worst attitude so far. He isn't mean. He just isn't as calm as the others. I am very curious to see what he turns out to be though if I can keep him long enough to find out.
I have another chick I am puzzled about. She looks to me like either a Silver Campine or an Egyptian Fayoumi. Could anyone tell me what she is for sure? What are your opinions? I know that flightiness is a characteristic of both of these breeds and she went through a spell of that. She was a very calm chick the first 2-3 weeks and then she got pretty skittish for the next few weeks. Now she is 8 weeks old and for the last week or so has calmed down again. Now she flies up to my lap or shoulder/back and will sit there and let me pet her and also will let me pick her up and hold her. As a tiny chick, she looked more like a Campine to me, but now I think she is starting to look more like a Fayoumi. Any ideas? Is she one of these breeds or something else entirely? Opinions please. Here she is at just a couple days old. She is the one that is brown, black, and gray colored.
This is what she looks like now.


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