What breed are these chicks


7 Years
May 5, 2012
Live from: Hudson NH
I have 2 chicks that I am not able to identify. I got them at a Tractor Supply during Chick Days. I was told they were a Buff Orpington and a Salmon Faverolle. After some research I am convinced that they are not what I was told. I think one is a broiler - comb, wattles, New Hampshire color, big legs, appeared to be a week older than the others when I got them. The other one in question is the white one. They are almost "6 weeks". Any help would be appreciated.


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I can speak to the first being an easter egger, a snowy white I believe. We ended up with one in our batch :)

I can't speak to the 2nd one, but I know neither are Faverolles nor Orpingtons. We have those too :)

Just goes to another store employee not being able to identify what they are selling.. Salmon Faverolles looked nothing close to any of our other breeds even as 3 day olds :hmm
Wow - until you said Easter Egger I wouldn't have thought but then the green/slate legs and I looked more closely at the comb. Thanks. The other one is "huge" - very heavy and doesn't like to walk around much. Not like any other New Hampshires I have had. So, thought it might be a broiler variety.
Wow - until you said Easter Egger I wouldn't have thought but then the green/slate legs and I looked more closely at the comb. Thanks. The other one is "huge" - very heavy and doesn't like to walk around much. Not like any other New Hampshires I have had. So, thought it might be a broiler variety.
Also, the snowy white looks like she/he has tiny puffs at her cheeks to me.

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