What breed? Buff Orpingtons or White Leghorns?


6 Years
Apr 27, 2013
I've been looking for a good laying breed and came up with Buffs and Leghorns. Buffs lay less, but have a more mellow temper and are less flighty. Although Leghorns lay more and are more flighty! Both look like great choices, but I can't decide! What do you guys recommend? Buffs, Leghorns, or have a mixed flock with both?
Depends on how badly you want eggs. I founds Orps (and numerous other breeds) very satisfying to have around for their temperament...I don't care for Leghorns for theirs. But if it's all about churning out eggs, go with the Leghorn. Maybe a good compromise is one of the sexlink varieties - Red Stars, for instance...they have they calm temperament, are friendly, and are also great layers. Good luck to you!

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