What breed chicken is this?

The first one looks like maybe a Red Star (sex linked) or maybe a Buff Orphinton. I am a newbie and have both. It was hard for me to tell until they got older.

No clue on the black one.
First is a Red sex link or a Road Island Red. The second one might be a barred rock. What color are its legs and what type of comb does it have?
Hey! I don't need to know the black chicken that is a Plymouth Rock. The brown one is not a Rhose Island Red I know that becausew I have some and it does not look anything like it. She has yellow feet with a sort of stripe of brown on the front side. I think she has a single comb. Any more suggestions would be great! Thanks!
she's not a buff orpington if she has yellow feet. BO has white feet. How about a type of leghorn, they have yellow legs?
I called a feed store and I asked them to order a new Hampshire red for me. They said where they order them from didn't have NHRs. So he said i could get an Aricauna. I said sure so that is what it is supposed to be but it is definitely not. You think they did have NHR? I looked them up online and they don't look much like this chicken?

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