What breed hens are particularly broody?

Yea a lot of silkies go broody I also noticed that every pekin I have had has gone broody my pekin silkie hatched a perfect 5/5 on the weekend usually the silkies are very protective of there eggs and young so if ur looking for a broody get a silkie
HI, My marans hens all went broody, also Wyandottes and Speckled Sussex.
I have read hatchery chickens are less likely to go broody because the broodiness has been bred out.
If you get a broody, they are worth their weight in gold..............

I do read that Silkies top the list.........
My RIR broodied for a month before giving up, and I don't think my black orpington will ever give up!

Is your RIR heritage? I've had both heritage and hatchery and my heritage are the most broody out of the two. Heritage RIR is the only breed I will ever have.

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