what breed is best?

Over time I've come to share the same opinion. I like breeds that lay less frequently, but lay for a longer period of time. My oldest girls are brahmas. They are both six and both still laying good quality eggs as of this summer! I even hatched a couple of babies from them. I have leghorns too, but they are about two years old now and lay the wackiest eggs. Their egg quality just plummeted. Huge, misshapen, thin-shelled eggs with runny whites. Same thing can happen with other egg laying hybrids. I'd say my barred rock was my best layer. She had the longest laying season, laid frequently and laid large eggs. She was the last to molt. Sadly she passed away too young, of an unknown cause that was not likely reproductive-related, so I can't speak for the duration of her laying abilities. She was also a sweet, friendly girl who was willing to be picked up. Great for kids (and same with the brahmas).
This is us our 3 Brahmas and 1 Barred Rock are solid layers (the BR lays daily) and all tolerate being picked up. We have 2 Polish (havent laid since Oct and are under 1 yr but we are cold winters so likely taking a break) and then we do have 1 leghorn, lays like a champ and her personality is my favorite.
Red sexlinks is what I see most often identified as the best layers with very few disputing that. Isa Brown was one of the first widely marketed red sexlinks. ISA Brown is a registered trade name so hatcheries developing their own versions use other names: Red Star, Cinnamon Queen, Golden Comet, and so on.

They are all basically RIR crossed with white leghorns; not necessarily only those two breeds. I'm sure there is a bit more to it - not any RIR with any white leghorn will perform as well as the specific strains that make up these named strains.

This from reading a lot, not from personal experience.
ahh ok, my rsl are rir and and barred rock I think. but thank you!

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