What breed is my chick? And is it a Roo or a Pullet.


9 Years
May 18, 2010
Please help me identify the breed and sex of my sweet chicken.



Thanks so much!
It is a Black Sex Link. Dont let the comb fool you, Its a girl (sounds crazy , I know ) Sex Links get Big Combs early.
hmmm...it looks like a wyandotte but it has black shanks...could also be a sex link...but I'm not sure...do you know anything about it?
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how old, because with a comb that red, that small im leaning towards roo, but if you have a bantam then it could be older, which might swing me towards pullet, as far as breed, at first glance i wanted to say golden sebright, but the body feathering is throwing me off just a little, as well as around the cheeks/ears, so im not sure.
Actually wyandottes can have a single comb but it would be a "pet quality" bird
The legs are black though, so I'm agreeing with the person who said BSL... As for gender, I think BSL roos are barred, so I'd say pullet
Im saying roo. Cant really tell if it is a bantam or large fowl, but I still say roo. The color doesnt nesscessarily mean its a sexlinks, if a black and buff bird are crossed together, both sexes will come out looking like that. Cant be a wyandotte, type is off and it has a single comb, same for the Golden Seabright, it has a single combe and doesnt have the lacing of seabrights. And I dont really see much EE influence, so I would say it is just a random mixed roo with a color common of that crossed from a black on buff, if you look up and find pics of black X buff orps, both sexes look like that.

Do you have anymore information as to what the parents were or where it came from and if it is a bantam or largefowl ? Or actually since your question was on gender and not breed, do you already know what cross it is ?
Oh and can you get a pic of it standing by itself with out being held so we can see its normal carriage ? That can help in determining the sex of birds.
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