What Breed is my Henpecked Chick?

I don't know what color the Aracaunas are. The fellow who sent down the eggs just mentioned that he does have Aracaunas, that they were a possibility for being the mother. I didn't realize they came in different colors. That's interesting you don't think BO or RIR are the mother. Is there another breed of hen that is brown. The fellow said he had the blonde chickens (BOs) and a darker orange/brownish hen, but he didn't know the breed. I was just guessing that it would be a RIR? Are there some other possibilities in that color range that would fit for this chick's mother?
Ok it could be half Buff Orpington. In my earlier post I simply meant that it wasn't a "pure" buff orpington. Buff tends to throw off odd colors when mixed with different color chickens. It does sort of have an orp look about it. I think it could well be half leghorn and half BO. Or Aracauna, since, as stated, they come in so many colors.
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There's no Buff Orpington in that chick folks. Orpingtons have white legs. Which are dominant. That chick has green legs.
If the man had real Araucanas then yes the mother could be an araucana. They come in alot of colors other than what the Standard of perfection calls for. It does not look like muffs at the chicks cheeks to me. It looks like there might be an actual feather sticking out of its cheek. Let me know.

I read that Buff Orpingtons often get pecked because they are so docile. This is the chick that the StepMama hen nearly pecked to death when he first hatched because he wouldn't stay underneath her. He is very active and loves to trill and fly. So I've suspected Buff Orpington as part of his make-up for some time. My mom had BOs when I was a child, and many of his golden feathers seem about the right color for a BO in my opinion.

There are no feathers sticking out the sides of his cheeks but he does still have the bad peck marks at his temples. I used Rooster Booster on them, but they haven't healed yet. He grooms himself a lot-- lots of dander and fluff coming out everywhere.

The egg owner doesn't seem to know much about breeds. Maybe he has Ameraucana chickens, and he called them Aracauna? But with no cheek tufts, perhaps this little cheek is part BO and half Leghorn. That could explain his super-sweet disposition?
The obvious.... DID THIS CHICK HATCH FROM A BLUE OR BROWN EGG?? If blue, Ar, Am, or EE... If brown... then anything could be mama.
There's no Araucana or Ameraucana in that chick, sorry. If the owner has a mix of chickens and doesn't really know what they are - Then there's about an 80% chance they have Easter Eggers, not Ameraucanas or Araucanas.
Oh, I didn't stop to consider the colored egg connection. The eggs were all brown or cream or white, so I'll bet the Mama was a Buff Orpington. Thanks for the great hatched egg color tip!

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