What breed is she?

She is complete black. Even her feet beak eyes complete back

What I thought might be some copper feathering on the neck was just a trick of the eye looking into the shadow then. Given her solid black color, what appears to be black legs, and rather slender body type, I think she's likely a Black Sumatra. If the inside of her mouth is black, she could be an Ayam Cemani (again the pic is not close and clear), but I think that it is highly unlikely.
I think you guys are right. It's got to be a black Sumatra. But I will catch one in the morning and check its mouth. Thanks a lot BYC you guys rock!!
Black Sumatra based on the look of the bird just in that picture though. Lack of comb would be pretty telling, that it is infact a black Sumatra. They are lovely, the roosters have a very long interesting tail. Does the bird fly?
They don't usually like being confined very well and often attempt to fly a bit more than most chickens. Do they lay at all, they eggs would be occasional and small and white I think... Are they fairly small birds compared to say a barred rock?
Sumatra. I have one bantam and two standard mixes (hatchery version of Thai gamefowl; they're just Sumatra mixes).

Nadia the bantam hen on the left:

Rin, the standard mix hen:

And Kei, the standard mix rooster:

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