What breed is the AFLAC duck?

FLACK FLACK works just fine. We'll only have 3 (Anconas) until I find my Pekin so I hope
they don't make too much noise.
I only have three as well PC. Two are buff ducks and one is a magpie/cayuga cross. One buff is a drake and the other is a hen and I'm not sure what the cross is yet. I was told that you can tell gender in ducks by their "flack". Hens really belt it out and drakes whisper it. One is loud, one whispers and one is in between.

Good luck to you. Now I have to go look up what Anconas look like.
FLACK FLACK works just fine. We'll only have 3 (Anconas) until I find my Pekin so I hope
they don't make too much noise.

PC you already found a pekin, you can have mine

Oh and I ordered some welsh harlequin's too, so it you wanted one of those you can have it to.
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I hate to disappoint you all but the AFLAC duck is not a pekin .
In fact he is a male mallard. It takes 90 minutes to put "make-up" on him to make him appear white.
My husband is an AFLAC Insurance agent. He has seen how the commericials are done.
OMG I forgot about this post.

Thanks Amy for clearing that up. My stomach hurts from laughing.

Can you picture the duck in his dressing room?
Not sure why... but this was sent to me personally. Not as a "reply to topic:" but sent directly to me. *shrug* Anyways.... white mallards are out there but due to the size of the bird I still say Pekin. The duck is bigger than any mallard I've seen. Though in all honesty I figure not only do they use a puppet for portions of the commercials they use other ducks as well. Most animals in film are actually several closely looking animals that do "stand ins".
In all fairness, Pekins are from Mallard stock, as is most domestic breeds. If the actor duck in question is in fact wearing more white makeup than a geisha, I would not be surprised.

Pekins can get pretty big pretty quick. I've had a few of them, but I've never been able to get them to maturity. Foxes have a particular taste for them.

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