What breed is this hen?


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 19, 2014




I bought her some months ago, she came with a legbar roo but I have no idea what she is. At her rump, she's like my Orpington hen, and both have blue legs, so she might be half Orpington, but other than that I can't get any conclusions!

She is a bantam if that helps.

Thank you :)

She's a mixed breed hen, mixed enough no specific breed stands out. Being a bantam, the rose comb and slate legs could come from Sebright, but absolutely nothing else about the bird looks Sebright. I also don't see any Orpington, they're much more rounded and fluffy, with white legs and straight combs. If the other bird you have you're calling an Orpington has blue/slate legs, it's also a mixed breed of some sort.

She's sure a cute, unique little thing! What color eggs does she lay?
Agreed, probably at least two generations of mixing.

If you're in the UK, perhaps Dorking mix? Wyandotte and Dorking mix? Rose comb and upswept tail and color from Wyandotte with the short legs from Dorking? I have a gutfeeling she has a Wyandotte head.

Another thought- Japanese and Wyandotte mix?
Donrae, first, thank you for welcoming me :D I'm new to keeping chickens, apart from Isa Browns, so I'm still learning how to pick breeds haha. I agree, she most likely is a mixed breed, and I agree, apart from the legs she looks NOTHING like a sebright! She is a very sweet little thing though, the one of the prettiest in my yard too! Her eggs are very, very small and light pink in colour, but, she's a good layer, if I leave her for two days, she lays about three eggs! AND it's winter here in Australia!

As for my Orpington, her conformation is exactly what and Orpington should be, apart from blue legs! Odd.

Anyway, thank you for answering my question and giving me a. It more knowledge :)
Soy do, thank you for answering my question :)

I agree with you, I think she has some Wyandotte in her some where. She certainly has the head for it! I don't know what else might be in there. All well, she is a good little hen and a good mother!

Thank you again for replying
My hatchery Wyandottes laid a rosy/pinkish egg, so I could see her having some Wyandotte. I'd just say she's my favorite, a barnyard mix and no one else will have one just like her!

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