What breed is this rooster hobo?????!!!!!!!


In the Brooder
Aug 7, 2022
Georgia, USA
Hello, this is my first time with BYC. When the rooster came, I had 4 hens. They lived in a run that had an area with a solid roof, and an area with just netting over the top. One day, I went out to care for the girls (2 year old ISA Browns), and I noticed a funny yellow and black bundle tangled in the net. Apparently a rooster had attempted to jump in with the hens, and had gotten stuck. I thought he was dead, but he wasn't. Anyway, we integrated him with the hens. He is so sweet! He tidbits, only mates if the hens give him permission (he's kinda respectful because when he was first being integrated they beat him up really badly. Wouldn't come out of hiding for days, poor guy), and he takes care of them, grooming and protecting them. The only problem is I have no idea where he's from. What breed is he? When the rooster came, I had 4 hens. They lived in a run that had an area with a solid roof, and an area with just netting over the top. One day, I went out to care for the girls (2 year old ISA Browns), and I noticed a funny yellow and black bundle tangled in the net. Apparently a rooster had attempted to jump in with the hens, and had gotten stuck. I thought he was dead, but he wasn't. Anyway, we integrated him with the hens. He is so sweet! He tidbits, only mates if the hens give him permission (he's kinda respectful because when he was first being integrated they beat him up really badly. Wouldn't come out of hiding for days, poor guy), and he takes care of them, grooming and protecting them.
I only have one problem: I don't know what breed he is or where he came from! Please look at the pics and post what you think. Could I breed him with my new Easter Eggers and Ameraucanas?
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Hello, this is my first time with BYC. When the rooster came, I had 4 hens. They lived in a run that had an area with a solid roof, and an area with just netting over the top. One day, I went out to care for the girls (2 year old ISA Browns), and I noticed a funny yellow and black bundle tangled in the net. Apparently a rooster had attempted to jump in with the hens, and had gotten stuck. I thought he was dead, but he wasn't. Anyway, we integrated him with the hens. He is so sweet! He tidbits, only mates if the hens give him permission (he's kinda respectful because when he was first being integrated they beat him up really badly. Wouldn't come out of hiding for days, poor guy), and he takes care of them, grooming and protecting them. The only problem is I have no idea where he's from. What breed is he? Hello, this is my first time with BYC. When the rooster came, I had 4 hens. They lived in a run that had an area with a solid roof, and an area with just netting over the top. One day, I went out to care for the girls (2 year old ISA Browns), and I noticed a funny yellow and black bundle tangled in the net. Apparently a rooster had attempted to jump in with the hens, and had gotten stuck. I thought he was dead, but he wasn't. Anyway, we integrated him with the hens. He is so sweet! He tidbits, only mates if the hens give him permission (he's kinda respectful because when he was first being integrated they beat him up really badly. Wouldn't come out of hiding for days, poor guy), and he takes care of them, grooming and protecting them.
I only have one problem: I don't know what breed he is or where he came from! Please look at the pics and post what you think. Could I breed him with my new Easter Eggers and Ameraucanas?
View attachment 3214718

Is he full-size or bantam?

I *think* his color is Birchen and might be an Old English Game fowl, but I'm not very good at IDing game chickens.
Thank you for responding! I can't really tell. He's on the smaller side, definitely. He is the same size as my ISA hens, if that tells you something. He doesn't seem to me to be bantam size, but I have not had a lot of experience with bantams.
Thank you for responding! I can't really tell. He's on the smaller side, definitely. He is the same size as my ISA hens, if that tells you something. He doesn't seem to me to be bantam size, but I have not had a lot of experience with bantams.View attachment 3215223

I *think* he's bantam.

Hopefully someone more knowledgeable about bantams and/or game chickens will see this.
He is a mixed breed of some kind. One of his parents could have been a bantam but I doubt both parents were. Most likely he has many breeds in his ancestry since he doesn't closely resemble any one breed.

There is no reason why he can't be bred to EEs or Ameraucanas, but since he is mixed it is impossible to say what his offspring would look like or whether they would be good layers or not.

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