What breed is this?

Maybe has some Sebright in her genes judging by the tail and slightly the markings. Otherwise a probably a Laced Wyandotte mix.
I don't see any barring on the bird in question. male black sex links are colored like this...

I agree the OPs bird is a hen, and could have something silver laced in the background. She's quite a striking bird!

Can you tell me where this picture came from. This is my bird exactly. I searched online, but none of the pics look like her. And she is female for sure, she is BROODY and won't come off the nest.
Can you tell me where this picture came from. This is my bird exactly. I searched online, but none of the pics look like her. And she is female for sure, she is BROODY and won't come off the nest.

If your bird is a Black Sex Link then there is absolutely no chance because the pulleys aren't barred at all and are mostly black with some red on their chest. I'm wondering if your bird is actually a Barred Plymouth Rock. I included a picture of a female Black Sex Link and a Barred Plymouth Rock.


Trying to figure out what mine is aswell. They were supposed to be all black sex link pullets and this one some how ended up in the flock. Im wondering is she is a he? maybe a barred rock? ah. I need help sexing this chicken!

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