May 29, 2020 #1 Jambo88 Chirping Apr 23, 2020 64 78 96 North Wales UK A breeder near me is selling this type of hen and have called it a Magpie I assume it's a Hybrid they have described it as medium sized laying light brown eggs any ideas what cross it is?
A breeder near me is selling this type of hen and have called it a Magpie I assume it's a Hybrid they have described it as medium sized laying light brown eggs any ideas what cross it is?
May 29, 2020 #2 FuzzyCritters Crowing Mar 13, 2020 1,979 3,736 301 Kitsap county, WA Looks like she has some silver laced wyandotte in her. Other than that, I'm not sure.
May 29, 2020 Thread starter #3 Jambo88 Chirping Apr 23, 2020 64 78 96 North Wales UK I was thinking maybe also some Sussex