What breed is this?

I would suggest they are all ISA brown crosses. The eye colour and the comb and wattles gives them away, and their overall body colour as well suggests that they were crossed with a Columbian type pattern. I have flocks of ISAs for egg production and allow crossing to heritage breeds just for interest at times, and have seen these birds. A SLW/ISA cross is similar too, but with more white/silver, and feathered feet.

ibeier2000 rumpless can crop up in any breeding as it is a known mutation in chickens. It's just more common in some breeds as they were bred for it for show. Any breed with a mixed background will be more likely to have that happen as they could have that background.
Nope had one of those they are much darker my EE layed light brown eggs not terracotta.
robelO what color eggs does she lay?

She lays light brown eggs.

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