What breed is this?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 15, 2013
At the feed store they said it was a black australorp but I doubt it. Kinda looks like a barred rock. Hes 1 month.


At the feed store they said it was a black australorp but I doubt it. Kinda looks like a barred rock. Hes 1 month.

You may be right, if he has a single comb. If he has a rose comb he may be a dominique. cuckoo maran is also barred but will lay a dark chocolate colored egg, also a single comb. https://www.mcmurrayhatchery.com/bar_baby_chicks.html This is the hatchery that I bought my chicks from, they have pictures for like 62 breeds. Ask your feed store what other breeds they carry, if they get exotics in. I can't really see the pic good to see comb but he sure looks like my dominique chicks at that age!
Looks like my barred rocks. Only difference is that it has the feathering of my pullets, so I'd second guess calling it a "he". Here are my pullets when they were 4 weeks old:

Also, I see a white feather...is that on its wing? None of my barred rocks have white feathers...so if a cuckoo maran has that trait, and cuckoo marans look like barred rock chicks, it could be one...i've never seen a cuckoo maran, so i can't say for sure.

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