What breed of chicken is this?


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 3, 2013
Forsyth, Georgia
I am new to BYC and just joined a week or so ago. I have some birds that were bought at auction and I am not sure of the breed. If anyone can identify these birds it would be a great help.

I think that the one on the right is a hen.

This is the king rooster

Pictur of what i think is the hen.

Hen again

And the rooster while he was crowing. As I stated I thought the smaller one was a hen, although she is not laying.

Thanks for any help that was given.
THose are two buff orpington roosters.... Maybe the ones you have at home may not be buff?

But Thats what our two roosters look like
They may be different shades, but they are the same color...

Do you only have hens at home? Because that maybe why they look different. Roosters and Hens are the same color, but the roosters hackle and saddle feathers, are I guess, a richer color... The tail feathers on our rooster are darker than our hens too..

Here is our two roosters..

Color might also depend on what hatchery/breeder they came from.

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