What Breed Should I Get???!

Jan 10, 2021
Hi, I am really wondering which breeds I should get. I want hens, not roosters, and if it helps, I live in San Diego, my backyard is pretty big. I am thinking maybe four or five chickens, preferably all different breeds. I've already raised Leghorns, Plymouth Rocks, Buff Orpingtons, and 1 Easter Egger.
I would enjoy them not just for the eggs but for the joy of raising them.
I want to have different breeds than from last time, and if you have experience or have heard good things about a certain breed, please let me know!!! Thanks for all suggestions/comments.
There is 15 square feet of coop space, and there is no run - my backyard is available to them all day, and it is heavily protected so they cannot get out and nothing gets in.
Hmm. Maybe Mystic Onyx then? Coop is only big enough for 3 or 4 max though if they have to be kept inside for some reason. Most of my birds either do best with a lot of space or no free ranging at all so I'm not sure what else to Recommend
I suppose some naked necks might work out. They're usually a mix of breeds in hatcheries so some might have comparable personalities.

My Calico Princess did well free ranging and does good in confinement too, but sexlinks and layer hybrids like those, sapphires and comets are a risky one if you want pets since they rend to die really young

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