What Breed?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 17, 2009
St Louis MO
I realize this probably shouldn't be a hard ID, but can you tell me what breed this is, please?


She lays bluish green eggs but I don't think she is an easter egger is she?
Yes, if she lays Blue/Green eggs she is an Easter Egger!

Easter Eggers can be ANY color (if thats why you thought she wasnt).
Nope--muffs and or beards are common, but not necessary. Feathered feet is not a common ee trait, but since they are a mix-breed, just about anything is possible--with the exception of they pretty much need the pea comb gene to lay blue or green eggs.
She looks like a mix- maybe a New Hampshire (or Rhode Island) Red and a Buff Bahama...?? What color eggs does she lay?

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