What breed?

Gray Ghost

9 Years
Feb 13, 2010
I am a novice and I am going to pick up a dozen chickens for egg production. I live in NE Wisconsin and it gets pretty cold in the winter so I would prefer a cold-hardy breed. Suggestions?


For that kind of temperature you need a dual purpose chicken I would say any variety of orpingtons, any variety of rocks, black australorps, dominiques
If egg production is paramount, then Rhode Island Reds are the best of the cold weather breeds. Also look at utility hybrids from RIR crosses.
Ask a hundred people that question and you get at least 75 different answers! LOL There are so many breeds to choose from that will fit your list.. Go to your search engine and type in Poultry breeds. There are lots of them and find one that gives descripitions, pictures and comments of each breed. OR type in some of the breeds you get on here and check them out.

I have Barred Rocks, Rhode lsland Reds, Buff Orpingtons, Easter Eggers and Ameraucana.. For this group my Barred Rocks lay almost everyday. I love their body shape, their personality and the contrast between the black and white feathers and the bright red comb.. I have a Dominique pullet and she had a rose comb and they are the color as my Barred Rocks but she isn't laying right now...

Good luck and let us know what you decide...Maybe you can add pictures!! Dixie
I have a couple of Giant Blue Cochins and they do very well. They have feathered feet and small combs and wattles. They do a lot better than the other breeds that I have.

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