What Breed?

Here's a link to a hatchery with pics of grown turkey toms.....


He doesn't look like a wild turkey or any of the ones on the link exactly so I'd say you probably have a cross of two breeds.... where did you get him?

His tail feather coloring is what throws me off a bit..... otherwise I would have said he was a narragansett....

Look at the pics and tell me which you think he is? lol He's a handsome fella....

I think he is a Bronze Breasted and a Blue Slate cross. Becasue ther was a hen that looked like a blue slate that was with him. I drive by where they were from and I do see blues and ones that look like BBB or Narragansett.

I am just wondering becuase I was told a BBB over 25 lbs looses fertility. So I didnt know if I had to get a new tom or what.
Looks like it might have Royal Palm in there to me...

Feel his breast area. If the bottom feels flat and bulky, I would get another tom. If the sides slope up like a larger version of a chicken, he should be good. I don't think the weight affects fertility as much as it affects the breeding capability. Broad Breasted Bronze and Broad Breasted White simply can't get close enough to do the deed...

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