what breed :-)

Great! I was thinking splash old english game bantam! Can you tell the gender?? And some tips on this chicken breed what's good and bad about them?? And if a hen what if my normal sized roo gets her will it matter if a standard sized roo breeds a banty??
Great! I was thinking splash old english game bantam! Can you tell the gender?? And some tips on this chicken breed what's good and bad about them?? And if a hen what if my normal sized roo gets her will it matter if a standard sized roo breeds a banty??
That's a cute pullet. I REALLY like OEGB's. So much personality in such a little bird! They're spunky, extremely hardy and lay very well for a bantam. About your last question; I would STRONGLY recommend keeping them separate, as a large rooster could hurt her pretty badly.

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