What breeds do I have?


5 Years
Sep 26, 2014
I got a box of mixed breed chickens and are wondering what breeds theses are as they are ones I have not seen before. I do realize they could be mixes as well.
Thanks for your help



Lucky: and there is a reason he is called Lucky

Hennie, my only hen (I think)

Gerard and Mutley: Gerard is the white on left and Mutley is the black on right

I can edit the photos if needed and/or take more pictures,
Well Hennie is for sure a hen, she looks to be a white rock. I would say the boys are a lovely batch of barnyard mixes. Lucky's chest resembles a Golden Spangled Hamburg, but his size does not. And Stanley I would say White Leghorn but he looks to have a rose comb. They are a gorgeous flock. I do hope you plan to get (or have) more hens and rehome some of your roos (or a nice bachelor pad). Will that many roos fighting and over-breeding will be a problem.
I got a box of mixed breed chickens and are wondering what breeds theses are as they are ones I have not seen before. I do realize they could be mixes as well.
Thanks for your help


Hmmm...maybe an easter egger? Or a silver penciled hamburg? He's handsome! :D


I'm think rose combed white leghorn. Maybe a white Hamburg?

Lucky: and there is a reason he is called Lucky

I honestly don't know. My first thought was golden spangled hamburg with a single comb. I think someone else said that!

Hennie, my only hen (I think)

Is her earlobe white or red? If it is white, I'd say a white leghorn and red would make me think white rock. For sure a hen!

Gerard and Mutley: Gerard is the white on left and Mutley is the black on right

Gerard is maybe a white leghorn and Mutley might be a black sex link rooster. Do you have closer pictures of them?

I can edit the photos if needed and/or take more pictures,
Thank you for your help as it gives me something to look up so I can read more about the breed. Houstin is handsome and smart. That roo looks me in the eye when I talk to him.
As for the rooster/hen ratio, I am getting more hens very shortly. The saving grace with this flock is that they all get along. There's 2 trios that hang out together and comes night, they are all in a bunch.

Here is a closeup of Hennie showing her earlobe. Her eggs are a nice beige color.

Gerard close up

Mutley close up. He's got an interesting head dress going on.

Thanks again for the help.
Last edited:
Thank you for your help as it gives me something to look up so I can read more about the breed. Houstin is handsome and smart. That roo looks me in the eye when I talk to him.
As for the rooster/hen ratio, I am getting more hens very shortly. The saving grace with this flock is that they all get along. There's 2 trios that hang out together and comes night, they are all in a bunch.

Mutley close up. He's got an interesting head dress going on.

Thanks again for the help.
I'll stick with my original guesses on the others. As for Mutley I think he is most likely an EE cross. I would guess EE/Polish or EE/Silkie.
I got a box of mixed breed chickens and are wondering what breeds theses are as they are ones I have not seen before. I do realize they could be mixes as well.
Thanks for your help

Easter Egger or Chantecler mix.

Not sure. Might be a Hamburg or Wyandotte or Easter Egger mix.

Lucky: and there is a reason he is called Lucky
Coloring makes me think a Marans or Golden Laced variety mix.

Hennie, my only hen (I think)
White Plymouth Rock.

Gerard and Mutley: Gerard is the white on left and Mutley is the black on right
Mutley is an Easter Egger or Polish mix.

I can edit the photos if needed and/or take more pictures,

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