What Breeds ?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Oct 11, 2014
Near Eaton, Ohio
We are new to raising chickens. We love them but we need HELP! What breeds do we have ? We think four of our hens are Red Sex Links ( we originally thought they were New Hampshire Reds). The one that is fourth from the left in the first picture (we think) is a Leghorn. We are pretty sure our Rooster is a Leghorn, but is he a Black or Brown or is he called by some other name.

Thanks So Much !!!

The Hens ....

The Rooster ...

Looks like you have Brown Leghorns (roo and the single hen) and Red Sex Links (may have been sold under various names depending on the hatchery, Golden Comet, Red Star, ISA Brown etc).

Looks like you've done great research! Agree red sex links, and the hen and rooster are brown Leghorns. The color of the Leghorns is called black breasted red. You should have amazing egg production!
Thank You ! And YES, we are getting an egg a day from each of our hens ! The egg size is still varying a little bit but they are just beginners ! LOL
My wife and I really LOVE this website and this forum ! Thanks to whoever started it, maintains it, and all of the contributors. We would be lost without all of you ! I think that is so amazing that so many people care about chickens.
Definitely Red Sex Link hens, and a Light Brown Leghorn rooster. Red Sex Links are egg laying machines. You will get loads of eggs from those ladies. :eek:)

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