What BYCer's have you met or want to?

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Sometimes I just want to visit the inside of your head. But I might need therapy afterwards.

That's probably a definite!

It's a famous musical called "Shock Headed Peter" based on medieval fairy tales. German I think. Fairy tales were originally used to scare children into behaving. Our current fairy tales are a very sanitized version of the originals. Every skit in the musical ended up with "They Died".
The You tube video: 1st half is clips to the entire musical, the 2nd half is about Conrad the Thumbsucker.
It toured the world several years ago with the musicians (The TigerLilies). I went and saw it when it passed through Seattle. Good times!

Shock Headed Imp- Snip Snip, the scissors went
I will try and exploer this more when I am hooked to the land line and my hubby isn't yapping away in the background. It was hard to hear. I loved the costumes. Have you ever read any of the books by Donna Jo Napoli? She rewrites the fairy tales with a different and dark twist. I just read Zel about Rapunzel. They are meant for Jr. High kids but are intriguing enough for adults to read.
Um... the PO sent it back to me... with a note that said they will be contacting the feds...
Um... the PO sent it back to me... with a note that said they will be contacting the feds...

I thought if the feds were contacting you it would be a knock.....not a note

Are you sure that is the same package??
Um... the PO sent it back to me... with a note that said they will be contacting the feds...

I thought if the feds were contacting you it would be a knock.....not a note

Are you sure that is the same package??

UG oh! YOu think someone maybe sent me something dangerous??

**hmmmm, you seem to have a lot of info..... sure it wasnt YOU!**
You're one of Grits minions, arent you?? WHo are you working for?? Grits?? Imp?? Sour?? Em??
I'lll pay you more..
Just sayin'...

YOu think it really does want to meet us all?
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