what can i apply to stop feather picking?


5 Years
Mar 4, 2014
a few of my birds have been pecking out their own and each others feathers over winter, and most have stopped now that it's spring but i'd like to deter the few that still are.

what household items can i apply to deter them? I don't want to have to go and buy some fancy expensive stuff from the feed store
I would consider both housing issues and parasites; are there mites or lice? Enough space in the coop and run? Adequate diet? They may be starting a molt, always an ugly event. Enough roosting space? Some breeds will be more likely to indulge in this behavior; I got rid of my production red and hybrid layers over this issue. Sometimes removing an offending bird or two will make life better for everyone. Mary
Ditto Mary.

How much coop space do they have(feet b feet)?
What exactly are you feeding them, protein level of main feeds and any other foods?
The most common reasons for this are mites/lice, and poor diet.

Have you given the birds a thorough examination lately?
well after doing a bit of reading i think the answer is just boredom and it is apparently common with the leghorn breed. it only happens during the winter and now there are only three or four birds that keep doing it. no lice etc. checked them well about a dozen times.

so i decided to buy this :

its only 6 bucks and ive only got 4 birds that are still doing it so i hope it works

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