What can i do to help my runt catch up?


10 Years
Mar 31, 2009
SouthEast Texas
I have an adorable little rir who is now 4 weeks and 2 days old.

He's growing slowly - really slowly. I've read a lot of threads with other people who had runts.

But i'm wondering if there's something i can do to help him catch up....something i can give him.

He's very energetic and bold, and if someone gets in his way, he just jumps on their backs so he can get where he wants to. He also hangs out with the older cockerels and copies their every move (he's very cute). So i don't think there's any problem with him getting enough food.

I just want to know if there's something i can do to help him along.

I was actually thinking of taking him out of the brooder a couple times a week and feeding him some scrambled eggs or something - all to himself (something with lots of protein).
Take him out for those extra feedings of protein rich foods. That's how I helped my runt catch up.
Oh awesome! That's the first time i've ever heard anyone say they had helped a runt catch up at all! Thanks!

My Lil' Bit, who is also half-blind, has caught up just fine in the weight dept. She's smaller in overall stature, but weighs just as much as my larger hens.
She had one period not too long ago when she dropped weight. I just took her aside for some one on one feedings for about a week and she caught right back up again. I think she dropped the weight because she was molting. She'll always be my smallest hen, but she's feisty as all get out.
Good luck to you.

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